ART MÛR - Johann Baron Lanteigne : Tangible data
Baron Lanteigne : Tangible Data
April 3rd - May 8th, 2021
Curator : Samuel-Arsenault-BrassardELLEPHANT VR artist and curator
Text by Samuel Arsenault-Brassard et Mylène Lachance-Paquin
Photos by Johan Baron Lanteigne, Mike Patten
From April 3 to 24 Baron Lanteigne will explore our relationship with technology and its infrastructure through installations of modified screens, cables, electronic devices and animations forming portal screens straddling the real and virtual. However, the essence of his work comes from infiltrations of many cyber-communities and virtual collaborations.
The artist creates screen-based installations that act as portals to her virtual worlds. Gifted with a particular ease in bridging from one technique to another, Baron Lanteigne adapts to this world of diffusion. The animation loops have been designed to have a ‘viral’ potential on social networks. It is not necessary for his ‘animation’ work to have a beginning and an end, unlike a narrative work.
augmented protective pouch
The objective of the artist is to make his creations accessible. Thus, the exhibition at Art Mûr is approached as a creative laboratory that begins a process of adaptation to virtual reality. This process remains experimental and takes into account the medium itself in order to explore its strengths and weaknesses.
Particularly, the loops were designed to be very dense at first glance, it is by looking at different details at each repetition that a certain notion of place or space is imposed on the digital image. Thus, rather than imposing a framework and rhythm with the animation formula, VR allows the audience to enter and observe this world at their own pace.